Mark Hamilton mentoring Neothink Society members on the pieces of the Super Puzzle.

9 Responses

  1. I can’ wait for this new civilized world, where we’re all at peace & become that super puzzle; in fact, this new world will come about when we get a TVP President in the White House & become the people we are meant to be. Thank you Mark Hamilton for this great, wonderful society you, & your father, created

  2. New Civilization on Earth. Beautiful words that remind me how great it will be
    to be among like minded people. A new civilization that will bring Happiness
    Pure Love and Riches among other fascinating things. It will be so great to face
    every day with laughter children playing just enjoying living life forever together.
    Thank You Mark Hamilton for these beautiful vision I see in my mind
    every day.

  3. This new Mastermind group will have the foundation of intagrated honesty woven in every department, volunteers needed,

  4. Yes, a new civilization here on Earth, and we’re a part of it. And you are figuring out how to keep Human Nature–in its most negative terms–from getting in the way. How amazing! We’ll finally manage to integrate our predator aspects with our more compassionate and wise aspects.

  5. Every Agenda has a series of steps to take in order to reach the Final Goal. And it starts by taking the first step.

  6. The new civilization on earth is time, the new civilization which is the neothink world, is the world that we the citizens of earth suppose to be. But not in the hands of the flaw-filled man, the new civilization is pure, honest and solid, these are the reasons of the delayance. Now is the TIME, this new civilization would fall on the hands of THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY, and implement the PRIME LAW, then mankind will esperience what has never happened before, WEALTH, HEALTH and PEACE shall be OURS. LORD MARK HAMILTON you are gentleman indeed.

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